You and I are made together .
이특 and 제시카 .

All you need to do is to click on the words above to navigate . Tag before you leave and do not be a silent blog viewer in my blog . (Inspired from Patrice and ideas taken .)

Talk nicely

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 @ 3:11 AM

fuck leyy . dare to say people copy "siak" "leyy" "leyys" "seyy" "seyys" etc . wow , why not i say your copy tiongxim members all this leyy ? :) its the true that tiongxim wrote all this first than your leyy . do not anyhow accuse people larhs horhs Amanda Chu =.=" so humji . change blog url and twitter . hais , hopeless :) guilty marhs .

sorry Patrice . my this blogskin is center derhs . if you can , help me see can change to side . ty .